Congratulations Derrick Johnson! He just broke an American Record with his 123kg snatch at the #WLChampionships2014. Not only is it the new#american record but it also the all time record. The records were reset in 1999 after new drug testing protocols were enacted so know he 
can claim to have the greatest #snatch in the 100 year history of this sport in his weight class in the #UnitedStates And that's pretty darned awesome! Go Derrick!#PhoenixRises
2014 National Champion!!! 

New #American snatch record and new #American total record!!
Post by All Things Gym.
image by #hookgrip
Derrick Johnson wins American Record. ShapeShifterZ
July 20, 2014 by Tanja Richter

May the 4th be with you!

Derrick Johnson, an American Record Holder in weightlifting, led the way this 4th of July in the Santa Monica, Main Street Parade. The theme was "May the 4th Be With You". Kids jumping up and down, waving flags as Derrick pulled gigantic a 1961 Unimog donned with balloons, stars and happy dancing ShapeShifterZ. 


Derrick is a serious dude, so it was quite the scene. Thanks Derrick. The kids loved it. We did too.


July 04, 2014 by Tanja Richter

Derrick Johnson...true to form!

March 30, 2014 by Tanja Richter