Custom costumes for television's Women of Wrestling Entertainment

ShapeShifterZ designer, Tanja(me) literally wrestled my way into the job title of being one of the official costume designers for Women of Wrestling ( this year. Sure, some costumes designers go to fashion design school. Other's, the cool ones that is, convert from being a professional wrestler on the television show to a behind the scenes costume designer. I used my experience as athlete and pro wrestler to create costumes that I knew (would generally) not bunch, crunch, tuck or pull into the whilst wrestling in the ring.

The process was time-consuming and tedious but totally worth it. David McLane has done it once again!

Razor - Her design wit is a sharp as her wrestling skills. Tanja presented the pieces of this costume. Razor cut them up....jacked them up. Tanja fixed them and pulled it all together. Yep, wrestlers tend to fight....but it's all good. truly insane. After many costume trials, she finally settled on a design but was and still is, wearing her shirt backward! She's crazy! Prefers it that way. 

Jungle Grrl - Costume deemed 'too sexy', brought out her more than the wild side.

Selina Majors - All American champion wrestler demands RESPECT! Got it. Lost it. Got it back again!

Jessie Jones - Don't tell her what to wear while she's wraslin....nope, not a spelling error. This country girl says she doesn't wrestle....She wrassles!


Tappin' out....not really 

November 01, 2017 by Tanja Richter
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